Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Fear is something we all have. We fear spiders, heights, needles, the bogeyman, or peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (its a real fear look it up), but what are our fears about God? I began to formulate a list of all the things that I have feared in my life, and I would have to say I'm probably not alone in some of my fears. My first fear was what if God doesn't exist? What if i spend all my life trying to live up to the standards of something that isn't real? But this question is short lived because a trumping question is what if God does exist? What if God is real and I didn't acknowledge he existed? Then I have an eternity in hell, and for what? Maybe 80 years on Earth? The illusion I like to use with younger kids when talking about this ism, if I gave them their favorite candy what would be better. A trashcan full or a mountain? Yeah the trashcan is probably better for their teeth, but the mountain will never run dry. They will always have candy. The trashcan will soon run dry,but the mountain will be never ending. So why take the chance of having a trashcan full of good times, when you can have a mountain of amazing times.
My next question was what if I'm not good enough. I mean I have fallen well short of the mark that people should uphold in all aspects of my life, so why would I have any dominion in the kingdom of heaven? This is not as easily answered, but at the same time there is an simple solution. It's just hard to believe. Too often we view our bodies as a source of sinfulness and our corruptness, but in all reality the Bible talks about our body being a temple and the Spirit dwelling with us (1 cor. 3:16). This means that God the Spirit desires to dwell in our broken, dirty, sinful bodies. He knows all our mistakes and he is praying for us to overcome our struggles and I don't know about you, but having God desire to dwell with me and pray for me gives me a sense of confidence that I am worthy of all, and can do all.
My final question was what's holding me back from complete surrender to God? I thought about this for awhile, and all the answers I could think of were excuses. I'm not holy enough. I'm busy. I'm too young. I'm poor. The list can go on and on, but all I sound like is when I was 5 and I got in trouble, and I whimpered all the way to the corner. I think the true reason that is holding me back, and probably holding a lot of people back is... Your ready for this? We are afraid. Afraid that God is going to make us change. People don't like change, people like the normal everyday routine. If I surrender to God what if he asks me to go. Say. Do. I mean it's scary to think that God may call us into something we weren't expecting. What if God's plan is a complete 180 to where I am going? All these are things, ideas, excuses (what ever you want to call them) that are holding me, you, anyone back from completely surrendering to God. The answer to this question is faith. Faith that God will direct us, supply for us. I mean he did create me, he developed my plan. Why not let him drive? So my prayer today is "Lord, I know you are real. I know that everything about this world is a part of your creation and your plan. I thank you, Lord, for the Holy Spirit which is here with me, guiding me, and praying for me to succeed. I pray that you begin a transformation in me, which allows complete submission to you. Take my life, Lord, and make it yours. Amen"

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